Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The Detective

Why not call me P.C Josh i hear the crowds in my dreams cry, HA! Well this short read is all about how i should be wearing a hi viz jacket and telling chavs, "gents could you move along please and not tag that phone box or dump the burnt matress in their garden".

Really.... im a copper at heart, always telling people to be safe and all this. Its just my dealings with the plod have gone on a steady rise recently what with going to court to give eveidence, picking out a robbers face on a identity parade (now done on a t.v, not so UBER) and having boats set on fire and getting some aggresive negotiations from P.C big knob at Marlow Regatta.

Its not that i mind, but this is all somewhere im sure creating me more and more enmies, and plus the fact they make me give statements on my birthday eve.

I suppose i don't have to do anything for them its just, well it is rather exciting.

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